Thursday, October 21, 2004

Come, now is the time to worship

Do you know the song "Come, now is the time to worship"? I’m always struck by the line in the song that says “Come just as you are to worship”. So often we feel we have to clean ourselves up before we come and worship but we can come just as we are, mess and all!

A number of you sent emails expressing an interest in the book “Messy Spirituality” mentioned in our last email. For those of you attending Winterlude 2005, Grace Chapel's Women's Ministries annual retreat, we will be offering a workshop to discuss the book. Look out for details in your mail.

Jesus invites us to COME to him. What picture do you have of Jesus as he says to you “COME to me”? Is it of Jesus with his hands, scarred hands, outstretched patiently waiting and waiting for you to respond to his invitation? What stops you from coming to Jesus? Spend a few moments thinking about the things or maybe the one thing that stops you from accepting Jesus’ invitation. Sometimes we don’t think we are acceptable, sometimes it is fear or pride. Maybe you know Jesus well and have known him a long time but still it’s time to accept his invitation again. Maybe you are eager to come – you’re just dragging a burden with you. In Matthew 11:28 , Jesus says "COME to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest" (NLT).

In our study of the Gospel of John at Joy Bible Study and the Women’s Evening Bible Study this week, we learned that Jesus invited the first disciples to COME with him and stay with him. They were a bit rough around the edges, to say the least, but Jesus could see their potential and by spending time with him their lives were transformed.

Jesus waits patiently for us to respond to his invitation, but why? Because he knows what it is like to COME. This is what he says about himself:

“I have not COME on my own; but he (God ) sent me.” (John 8:42 )

“I have COME in my Father's name.” (John 5:43 )

“The hour has COME. Look, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.” (Mark 14:41b )

Jesus came to this earth, not to do anything attractive or easy. If you watched The Passion of the Christ movie, you will know from the opening scenes that Jesus struggled with the task that God had asked him to come to earth to do. But, he accepted his task and humbly offered himself for death, a painful death, taking on the sin of the world even though he was sinless. (Luke 24:45-47, Mark 10:45 ).

When we accept Jesus’ invitation and come to him we do not have to suffer in the way Jesus did, the price has already been paid, but instead we are offered life. “I have COME that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b )

The story does not end there. Jesus promises he will COME again. In the book of Revelation we are told many times “Behold, I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22:12 ). We will see our Jesus.

So, COME and worship, COME and rest, COME and be transformed, COME and have life.


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